I'm sure that most of you had a grilled cheese at some time in your life, am I right? A lot of you probably enjoyed it, too. I know that grilled cheese is something I like to make when I don't have a lot of time, but I know that I will enjoy it. For this blog post, I am going to write about a small restaurant called the Main Street Wine and Cheese Cellar. It is located in downtown Lafayette, on Main Street. (What a surprise, right?)
My sister and mother discovered this place only last summer. They then decided that they needed to take me along the next time they went. I am happy that they did. I'm not quite sure how long this place has been located in Lafayette, but I am going to take a guess and say about two or three years.
At Main Street Wine and Cheese Cellar, they prepare the king of all grilled cheeses. They do not use normal sandwich bread. They use a thicker ciabatta bread, with Parmesan cheese on the crust. You can pick from a few different cheeses for the middle of your grilled cheese. ( I suggest the Havarti.) It is then grilled to perfection and brought out to you.
I am not sure how many of you are familiar with Fair Oaks Farms, but it is a large dairy farm in Indiana. The cheeses from this restaurant all come from Fair Oaks Farms. They are available for purchase at a small glass case located inside the restaurant. Also for sale are half gallons of milk (chocolate and white) from the cows at Fair Oaks Farms, as well a variety of bottles of wine. Occasionally, when fruit is in season, they will sell fresh fruit from local farmers outside of the restaurant.
Main Street Wine and Cheese Cellar also has soup for lunch, along with blackened chicken quesadillas and salads.You can have soda to drink, or you can grab a bottle of milk. If you're feeling fancy, and are of age, you can even have a glass of wine.
The atmosphere is great, and the waitstaff are very friendly. I encourage that you check it out sometime soon, and stop by for an amazing grilled cheese sandwich. It never hurts to try something new, now does it?
I love your blog. I've been wanting to try out a lot of different restaurants around Lafayette. I'm kind of an avid food connoisseur and I like discovering new foods and restaurants. Fair Oak Farms is such an awesome place. I love their cheeses and the chocolate milk is so delicious. The grilled cheese sounds really good here. I'll probably try it soon when I have the time to traverse to this spot.